“Massage is not just a luxury…
it is true health care”
Massage Clinic
Treat yourself or a loved one to a massage whether you need pain relief or want to relax or relieve stress.
We’ve got you covered for the best price in town! Call us to ask about different massage options and pricing.
Clinic hours vary based on the availability of student therapists and holidays.
Schedule an Appointment
Call MTTI at 575-523-6811 to schedule your appointment. Walk-ins are accepted based on availability.
Schedule online through this link: https://square.site/book/F7475N843KS3C/mtti-clinic-at-living-tree-center-las-cruces-nm
Health Benefits of Massage
While the use of massage is growing, the reasons people are turning to massage therapy are also expanding.
More and more people recognize it as an important element in their overall health and wellness.
The primary reason people received massage was for health and wellness reasons.
Forty-three percent of adult Americans who had a massage between July 2016 and July 2017 received it for medical or health reasons such as pain management, soreness/stiffness/spasms, injury rehabilitation, or overall wellness, a slight decrease from 2016 data.
Eighty-nine percent agree that massage can be effective in reducing pain.
Twenty-nine percent of massage consumers had a massage for relaxation/stress reduction between July 2016 and July 2017.
Healthcare providers are increasingly promoting the benefits of massage to their patients.
In July 2017, roughly fifty million American adults (18 percent) had discussed massage therapy with their doctors or health care providers in the previous year, consistent with past years’ data.
Of those 18 percent who discussed massage with their doctor or health care provider, 59 percent of their doctors or health care providers referred them to a therapist/strongly recommended massage therapy/encouraged them to get a massage. While physicians led the way in recommending massage (61 percent vs. 56 percent in 2016), chiropractors (40 percent) and physical therapists (46 percent) also recommended massage therapy when their patients discussed it with them.
Chiropractors continue to refer their patients to massage therapists, with 12 percent of respondents reporting receiving referrals at least once per week, and another 24 percent receiving referrals several times per month. Fifty-four percent of massage therapists received at least one referrral every 6 months or less from a hospital or medical office in 2017.
Massage therapists and consumers are in favor of integration of massage into healthcare.
Nearly two-thirds of adult Americans (64 percent) would like to see their insurance cover massage therapy.
The vast majority of massage therapists (97 percent) believe massage therapy should be considered part of the health care field.
The therapeutic benefits of massage continue to be researched and studied. Recent research has shown the effectiveness of massage for the following conditions:
Cancer-related fatigue
Low back pain
Osteoarthritis of the knee
Reducing post-operative pain
Boosting the body’s immune system functioning
Decreasing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome
Lowering blood pressure
Reducing headache frequency
Easing alcohol withdrawal symptoms
Decreasing pain in cancer patients
**Statistics taken from AMTA Massage Therapy Industry Fact Sheet.